Exercise Together at Home (Cantonese) 家中運動- 強健心肺,增強抵抗力(粵語)

Starts March 23, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Ends March 23, 2022 at 11:00 AM

This class is currently offered on Zoom every 4th Wednesday of the Month at 10am on Zoom.
每個月第四個星期三,都有本“家中運動” ZOOM課程, 您只需要登記一次。

This group exercise is suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities, even those who are frail, deconditioned or mobility restricted. This session will incorporate low-impact cardio, flexibility, balance, and functional fitness movements while gently and safely engaging full range of motion (all movements will include modifications with chair or wall assistance).
這個一小時裏一起運動的互動工作坊將以粵語授課,適合任何年齡和任何體能的照顧者, 包括身體虛弱,身體老化或行動不便的照顧者們。在這工作坊裏,參加者會在安全的環境下進行適量的健身運動,有助紓緩筋骨,呼吸及平衡力。如有需要,可以用椅子或牆面來協助。

Please dress in appropriate clothing and footwear, and ensure that you have enough space to move freely without injury.

Register Now 立刻登記

By registering for and participating in this virtual meeting/workshop you acknowledge and agree to RCRG's Visual Record Release and Liability Waiver. You may still request to not appear in the recording, in which case we'll do our best to edit you out.
當你註冊並參加此虛擬會議/工作坊,即表示你承認和同意RCRG的視覺記錄發布和責任豁免條款 (Visual Record Release and Liability Waiver)。 你仍可以要求不出現在錄影中,在這要求下,我們將會盡量將你畫面刪除。