Celebrating Caregivers Awareness Month through A Tea Party

Published May 19, 2022
We launched the Richmond Family & Friend Caregiver Hub early in 2020, just as the pandemic was starting. Our goal was to connect and support local caregivers, which we did, initially, by hosting online workshops. There were exercise classes and yoga sessions, presentations on nutrition and mindful meditation, and even a virtual trip around the world!

As public health restrictions eased, we began hosting in-person sessions, limiting the number of participants to keep everyone safe. Gradually, though, more and more caregivers started attending, joining us for healthy cooking classes, craft workshops, and more.

We'd spent over a year building a virtual community around the Caregiver Hub, and it was neat to see glimpses of this community come together in real life.

May is Family Caregiver Month, and this year, we felt it was finally time to celebrate in person. And so, on May 17, we held an afternoon Tea Party, which was attended by over 50 caregivers and community partners.

It was a wonderful event, and not just because of the delicious food! It was a reflection of the Caregiver Hub's mission, one that had been interrupted by the pandemic.

After two years, we were able to give caregivers a chance to connect, and see for themselves the vibrant, thriving community to which they belong. In the 
Caregiver Hub. they'll always have a source of support.

At a simple Tea Party, however, they could look around and instantly know that they also have support in each other.